National Parent Teacher Organization -
We are dedicated to helping your group succeed. Your success depends on your goals and your achievement of those goals. Our Mission is to help your group. As parent leaders, your responsibility and your part of contributing to a wonderful school life experience is rewarding but more importantly, helpful to the students of your school.
As parent and community leaders, we strive for parent groups to fulfill the important duty they hold as the overall part ensuring a positive school experience for our children.
We hope we can be one of the paths to some of the resources that can help you.
Who We Are
Some Words from Parents
Parents and teachers need to understand that this is a partnership. We need both teachers and parents to have our children succeed. Understanding that each student is unique and learning styles are different. When this partnership works together by communicating, understanding and building a foundation strong enough for our children to become our next doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses, dentist and leaders. Our future is our children and we need to be there for them at home and at school.
Basically stated: “TEAM” Together, Everyone, Achieves, More
Parents, teachers, community leaders, and school administration will achieve more if the goals are met with a team approach. Children learn at both home and school. Learning takes place during every waking hour of every day…at both home and school. -
What is your vision for an effective partnership between parents and teachers?
Collaborative partnership with lots of COMMUNICATION, trust, honesty, listening, and willing to do whatever it takes to do what is in the best interests of the CHILD!
We Believe in Recognition

Blue Ribbon Schools
Dept of Education
Recognizes outstanding public and non-public schools, celebrates some of the most skilled and effective educators in the country.

Green Ribbon Schools
Dept of Education
Reduce environmental impact and costs; Improve the health and wellness of schools, students, and staff; and Provide environmental education.

President's Awards
Dept of Education
Honors graduating elementary, middle and high school students for their achievement and hard work.

Your Award
Create Your Own
Whether it is a local or National Award, your business, organization or self can create your own Award for your cause. We can help promote it.